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proveo’s GSE fleet management solution is already installed at 10 different stations in South American, airports are live already for many years, 3 stations have test installation and one major rollout just started.

LATAM has installed our system in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro for over 4 years ago.

Talma in Lima, Peru manages over 250 vehicles with the proveo EFM solution. The solution is tightly integrated with the back-office IT systems from Talma.

LASA currently operates in 3 airports: Medellin, Cali, Bogota. For customers like LASA we offer a multitenant solution allowing central management and local control. This feature will be even more important to Talma and LASA as both companies have announced to merge. The proveo solution can now combine bother operations easily without complex data transitions.

SAI in Bogota is currently reviewing our solution for installation at all their stations in Bogota.

All our customers report significant benefits they experience with our system already shortly after the installation is completed.

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